School Nutrition

School Nutrition Information

 Meal Prices



Student Full Price$1.40

Student Reduced Price $.30

Visitor (Adult) $2.80

Visitor (Child) $1.80

Student Full Price $2.85

Student Reduced Price $.40

Visitor (Adult) $4.25

Visitor (Child) $3.50

  Cafeteria Policies

  • Lunch and breakfast money should be given to the cafeteria cashier. You may pay in advance by the week, month, or longer.
  • Please put money in an envelope and write on the outside of the envelope, the child's name and the amount enclosed for breakfast and for lunch.
  • Checks are accepted. Please put a current phone number on all checks.
  • Please do not put snack money on the check with lunch and breakfast money.
  • Breakfast and lunch money can be combined in one check.
  • If you have more than one child, you may combine their breakfast and lunch money in one check. Please list both children's names on the check if it is for more than one child.
  • Please do not combine payment for food services with other school payments.



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