Family-School Compacts for Achievement

As part of our Title l program, Woodstation Elementary School and our families will develop a Family-School Compact for Achievement. This is an agreement that parents, teachers, and students develop together that explains how families and teachers will work together to make sure all students reach grade level standards. The compact outlines how teachers, parents, and students form a partnership for student learning and stresses the importance of communication between home and school. In August, input from parents, teachers, and students is gathered. Parent input is sought on compact drafts and parents approve the final copy. Parents, students, and teachers sign the compact cover sheet indicating the role each has in the education process. Family School compacts will be updated annually based on parent feedback. The compacts are shared with parents during Family and School Team (FAST) Group Meetings and Family and School Team (FAST) Parent-Teacher Conferences. Extra copies are always available from the teacher, on the website, in the Family Resource Center, and distributed at meetings throughout the year.
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